Change to Accreditation Criteria 2019

Change to Accreditation Criteria

The Ontario Association for Family Mediation is committed to on-going improvement to qualification and training of Family Mediators in Ontario.  In consultation with the training community, the Board continues to work to improve accreditation criteria.   We are  pleased to announce the following changes to the training requirements to achieve an AccFM (OAFM) designation effective January 31, 2019. The changes are:

As of January 31, 2019, candidates for the AccFM designation must complete the following OAFM approved courses:

1.  Fundamentals of Family Mediation – 40 hours;

2.  Advanced Family Mediation – 21 hours;

3.  Screening for Domestic Violence and Power Imbalances – 21 hours;

4.  Family Law – 21 hours or equivalent (“equivalent” meaning practicing family law lawyers);

5.  Family Relations – 21 hours or equivalent (“equivalent” meaning those with a Family Relations background).