OAFM Advocacy
For Family Mediation
We advocate for Family Mediation in Ontario in a number of ways. Our most significant contribution to the mediation community and the public is our AccFM (OAFM) designation for Family Mediators. Combined with our comprehensive Online Public Directory of Accredited Family Mediators, it gives Ontario families a way to confidently find an experienced and Accredited Family Mediator.

For a Province-wide Voice
Across Ontario we set the standards of the highest calibre for education, training and practise. Our AccFM (OAFM) designation is accepted by the Ministry of the Attorney General for the practice of mediation within the Ontario family court system. We extend our voice with the Child Protection Mediation (CPMed) designation which is required by the Ministry of Children and Youth Services. We lead collaborative between other family dispute resolution methods so that we can work harmoniously to provide families with an alternative to the court system.